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  3. Digital Innovation HUB

DIH West Region Romania was created due to the participation within the DIHelp ( mentoring and coaching programme (2019) that supported West Region to develop and submit the Business plan concept and financial estimations for the future initiative.

The region took the initiative of implementing the development activities and finally to facilitate with the stake-holders the fundamentals of the DIH concept. Throughout the process, IMP3rove Academy ( offered support and advice.



Scaling innovation through digital transformation of companies by enabling them with tools, skills and international networking to exploit technological trends.


  • Provide services for digital transformation of companies in order to enhance their contribution to global value chains
  • Facilitate access to finance and international business networking
  • Bridge (international) knowledge and infrastructures to support innovation driven growth
  • Develop multi-stakeholder RDI projects in West Region Romania
  • Train or facilitate training in digital innovation


80% focus on technology

  • Readiness assessment – service to help companies to test if their product is ready to become a prototype and small-scale production.
  • Contract research – act as a broker for clients searching for a technological solution within DIH network. Facilitate the whole process of collaborative projects between private contractors and RDI offer, including using open innovation processes.
  • Provision of technology infrastructure - this will focus on internationalise the existing RDI platforms and promoting projects for private RDI platforms in multinationals.
  • Testing and validation – facilitate the access of companies in RDI platforms to test the feasibility of their products.
  • Scouting and facilitation of access to international experts and RDI infrastructures
  • Performing Digital Audits, (eg. DIQ) and supporting the implementation of digitalisation improvement projects within companies

20% focus on supporting the ecosystem.

  • Technical support on scale-up – provide technological back-up support for scaling-up companies trough digital technologies.
  • Business development – support ICT start-ups to develop their market and increase visibility at international level.
  • Mapping of regional competences and resources for digital transformation


West Regional Development Agency

Tehimpuls Association

ICT Regional Cluster

© ADR Vest - Agenția pentru Dezvoltare Regională Vest | realizat de DowMedia